最新的WABCO OnGuardACTIVE提供增强的对象检测




WABCO美洲区总裁Jon Morrison表示:“2007年,WABCO是商用车主动制动技术的行业先驱,我们的全球工程组织帮助确保OnGuardACTIVE在十多年后仍然是系统功能和性能的基准。”每一代新系统都标志着在帮助车队大幅减少追尾事故的发生率和费用方面向前迈出了重要一步。”

OnGuardACTIVE帮助减少追尾事故高达87%。*When a collision might be imminent, the system alerts the driver through a dedicated warning sequence that begins with a visual alert, then emits a series of audible warnings followed by a haptic brake pulse to quicken the driver’s response. If the driver does not take corrective action, the system automatically reduces engine torque and applies the foundation brakes to prevent or mitigate the rear-end collision. Unlike camera-based technology, OnGuardACTIVE is reliable in low visibility situations, such as fog or inclement weather, thus improving visual detection and active safety. In addition, the system’s adaptive cruise control improves the comfort and overall driving experience for the vehicle operator by automatically adjusting the vehicle’s speed to maintain a safe following distance.

WABCO OnGuardACTIVE适用于大多数车型。所有系统组件都经过精心设计,具有较长的耐久性和易于维护。

